Creating labels, creating problems

The poster reads:

“The Violence Against Women Act was finally passed and protects ALL victims of violence.

285 vs. 138 Republicans

All women: LGBTQ, Immigrant, Native American”

Not included on that list is men, who apparently are not allowed to be victims of violence.

Why are other groups included with special asterisks? This act protects women, right? Was there special restrictions on covering immigrant lesbian Native Americans?

No. So it wasn’t necessary, and was used as a prop to score political points with said groups. That’s always fun.

As Paul Elam says:

There is no real story here. Once again the politicians have ignored the science about intimate partner violence, ignored most of the victims, including children, in order to pass a federally sized barrel of feminist pork. They have ensured that for the foreseeable future that the corruption of money and public perception continues, and that sexual ideologues can continue to finance an agenda to destroy families, exert unfettered legal power over men and wantonly enable female abusers of men and children.

Well, yes. We already have a Violence Against Women/LGBTQ/immigrants/Native Americans act. It’s called laws against battery, assault, rape, and murder.

Those apply to everyone.

Why we need to double-down on those laws already on the books is something nobody seems willing to explain.

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