The Daily Fail

I love two things about the Daily Mail:

First, they use large, easy to see photos. No crappy, slow-to-load slideshows. No images I have to consult my optometrist to see.

Second, they always manage to get something wrong. It’s like a Where’s Waldo of errors.

So in a recent Daily Mail article about Beyonce’s ghastly expression from her Super Bowl performance, they included some photos of memes made in the aftermath of Beyonce’s publicist asking that unflattering photos be removed from Buzzfeed post-haste.

One meme-maker, however, was not amused, and immediately replaced their gif with an image showing the following message:

DailyMail somehow thought it would be morally ok to hotlink a 3.5 mb gif from a struggling startup whose destitute creator can barely afford rice and beans

Don’t they have their own fucking CDN they can use?

Shame on you, DailyMail.


In all caps and Impact font, the message was seen loud and clear—especially because it ended up displaying directly onto the DailyMail website.

At least whomever made the meme has gotten some hits from it…

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