Now that statistics have come out showing that significantly more women are enrolled in college than men, people are wondering—why are men falling behind?
Other statistics show that men are getting married less often and later in life.
Dr. Helen Smith explains that a huge change has taken place:
In the old days, Smith explains, a man might expect to be king of the castle. Now days, she says, he might be relegated to a “man cave” in the basement, and — if lucky — granted missionary position sex once a week. Or he becomes, as she told me, “some shlub, carrying around a flowered diaper bag.”
Men who marry can expect to pay disproportionately for a divorce, even if the wife cheats. And as Smith points out, sometimes men are on the hook for child support, even after DNA tests prove they aren’t the father.
With odds like that, staying at home with a bottle of Lubriderm looks like the best choice.
It’s a woman’s world—and men are just the side salad to the meal.
The good doctor continues:
[T]he new world order is a place where men are discriminated against, forced into a hostile environment in school and later in college, and held in contempt by society. Maybe there is no incentive to grow up anymore. It used to be that being a grown-up, responsible man was rewarded with respect, power and deference. Men who complain are either wimps or misogynists or both.
It boils down to one thing—men are basically being castrated by this feminized society. Being a man is something to be ashamed of. Men are portrayed as either bumbling idiots or evil predators—with nothing in-between.
A society where men don’t want to grow up is a society where men don’t want to be fathers. We’re already in the fatherless generation—and things appear to only be getting worse.