Why PBS is making fake reality shows

From Bad Bad Bag Boys to Married to a Mime, I was immediately excited about new shows coming out.

Until I found out it was all a ruse from PBS, who made these fake shows with fake Twitters, fake posters, and fake sites, ending the gag with “the fact that you thought these were real shows says a lot about the state of TV.”

Well thanks PBS, for judging my watching habits.

Frankly, I’d rather watch reality TV than be begged for money by an ailing Doo Wop crooner, find out how to fix another old house (goddammit, can’t they just steamroll it and start from scratch?), or listen to Charlie Rose slowly die.

Reality TV is educational: we learn how to clip coupons, deal with crazy people, overcome relationship hurdles, run an unusual business, learn the signs of isolated people in our lives, and of course, what not to do.

The last thing that PBS taught me was about a shop that sells taffy off the highway and why Big Bird will assault me if I don’t give money to them RIGHTNOW.

Sorry, PBS. We just like reality.

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