That’ll be five Ameros for your coffee, sir

Remember back in 2008 when Alex Jones and the InfoWars crew went apeshit over the Amero currency? It was a version of the Euro for Canada, the US, Mexico, and Central/South America, and it was supposed to happen rightfuckingnow.

When one talks of the potential North American Union, the NAFTA Superhighway, the Amero and such, most Americans look at them with glazed over eyes or as if they are nut-cases. Not that this anything new, but there is some bad stuff coming down the highway and Americans had best awaken to their awful state of affairs.

It’s 2013, and they’ve since gone silent on this issue. Because it never happened.

Not only did it never happen. It was never proposed.

If the Euro can’t even get its shit together, how the hell is an Amero supposed to work?

Of course Americans look at these people as nut-cases. If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, there’s probably a Chinese man chasing it to make it into a delicious meal.

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